Friday, December 3, 2010


At 1st it looked real ugly from up top, the high tide had washed the rocks (if you know what I mean), grey skies, grey sea, and lots of texture, mod+ surge and 55'.
I went in with the 9am crowd after seeing a "bodacious herd of dolphin" heading our way...and FAST!! We did just over a mile and the dolphin were all over the place. The guard said he saw one jump over the 1/4! The water...clear on the inside to the 1/4, darker as you get to the 1/2, lots o' kelp at the A, for a good while looked strange...clear blue-green on the top 6-8in of water with the brown-red stuff just hanging a mixed drink I once had. I was NOT going to imbibe any of this concoction, no sir-ee! All in all, a very nice swim...definitely a chilly 55 though. Caught a little wave coming in (waves are like 1:20sec if that). If you go, Enjoy!

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