Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh Sweet Mystery Of Life...I Have Found You!

Before the rains came, I hustled down to the Cove for a quick swim (wanting to get as many swims in before Christmas vacation). As I was getting ready to get in, chatting with other swimmers, I commented that "I'd best get in and get going" and just as the words came out, a big bull sea lion barked loudly, up from the shallows. "All right, I'm coming!" My new boyfriend is sure impatient! We'll call him Bruce. LOL There was a grand current and some texture, but it was just beautiful below with fantastic viz...lots o' fishies, 55F water and one elusive tortuga! vahoo! I see you!...about 3/4 the way to the #1 buoy. Thinking it was a rock, I wasn't going to skip a stroke, but noticed an appendage moving out from it...dive!, dive!, dive! Yep, it's a tortuga. I did my 'tour d'stick buoys' zig zag swim and came back to the area, but found him a little closer to the buoy this time. The proof I needed. Great swim, great day, extra points! The ONLY thing missing...was YOU! Wish you had been with me today.

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