Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mystic Winds

We all have those few wonder swims that carry us through the murk. Yesterday. Wow, what a strange and beautiful this swim turned out to be. Tuesday, noon, LFTC, Marta and I dipped in at a completely socked in Cove... fog so thick we couldn't see any buoys from shore. LG suggested hugging the shore just past the gropers (sea lions) and make it short since it was 54 (!).... but how surreal and clean it was... we followed M towards the cave, looked back and could not make out which land formations were what... suddenly we were past the Caves, effortless. Glassy. Quiet. The water that color of labrodorite, look it up, its exactly what it looks like sometimes.. clean and clear for several feet.... then over to the .25 looking West and a g.d.m.f. RAINBOW (fogbow) of all crazy things!!!!, nice tidy little high brow 'bow'... Marta said kinda feels like Mists of Avalon, and really, its just how it was. LG were totally out of sight, but we knew where to go and had a smooth as glass glide back in. Truly, one of my most remarkable and spectacular swims in my life. Thanks your mergals for making it happen.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Cami, that's exactly how it was, labradorit (I did look it up) and all...completely mesmerizing and totally gorgeous. Thanks for the swim. Today, the waves are big...go swim for me and have some fun! :o)
