Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hey there to all you swimmers out there, we are now going to start in on posting distances for our race the whales teams-LFTC is one captain I am the other we've both been lagging in getting started so look for more info soon, if you are not on a team-contact one of us.

So Monday had plenty of red tide and fog at the shores accordingly I agreed to meet two other swims at Coronado North beach on tuesday at 9am. At 8 am I got a text that it was fogged in but the surf wasn't' very big so it was a go. We met by sunset park and hiked across the big white sand beach to the lifeguard tower. The water to the S was looking rippy (it always does but some days bigger than others) so we worked our way in and headed N passing the fence to the Navy beach and picking up a navy land escort there. Since it was foggy and chilly we swam withing touching distance of each other and had quite a pleasant time. The water was green but a bit murky with churned up sand, the air was a bit foggy but not too bad and the breeze was strong the water temp in the low 50's. We kept an eye out for the dancing dolphins we had encountered on sunday but we only saw a sea lion eating breakfast and the remains of breakfast. As we allowed the current to sweep us back tot he start point, the fog lifted and some blue sky was seen. Plans are in the works for another coronado swim on friday.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, do you have a site where we post our miles or should we just let you and Laura know?
    It won't be long now...I'll be 'back to the water' :o)
