Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fogelicious Dream

Despite rumors of high surf, Cary, Ruth, and I met mid-day Saturday at the cove. The water was smooth with no waves breaking. A low bank of fog limited visibility to just beyond the point but the sun was out and we had every hope it would burn off shortly. We braved the 54 degree water and swam in the direction of the 1/4 mile buoy which we finally found despite the fog. We hopscotched to the 1/2 mile, using the white sticks as markers - at any given time we could only see the distance of 1 stick forward. A baby seal followed us most of the way. We guessed he was also lost. The fog never did burn off and instead got worse. We swam toward the sun filtered through the fog to find our way back. The land was just a dark shadow as we approached the beach and we were all relieved when it turned out to actually be real and not just a dream. Hope to do it all again tomorrow if anyone's interested (-;...

1 comment:

  1. after my edict rant, i warned you all to not listen and you didn't and you did! you didn't listen, did swim! i am not going to miss it again, dammit. if i have to wear ali's floaties due to surf, then floaties it will be. i have to find ones that match my suit though..
