Wednesday, December 1, 2010

big chicken

yikes. what a deceptive ocean our Pacific can be.... clear to the bottom, waaay clear... and folks said OH NO, its brown... but I could see with my own eyes, it was CLEAR (whats wrong with these people, don't they even look when they swim I mumbled to myself)... So, LFTC and I donned our winter gear of caps and hoods and goggles and shortie fins and my 2mm catsuit, and her .025mm skin which is like wearing a windbreaker on Mt. Everest... and off we went, 54 Im sure of it, jolly and frolicking, us two lucky lucky gals... and then 1/2 way (or less) to the .25 the murk. Not just murk, it was a wall of brown. ?? ... yah, the red tide has reared her darkness and it was thick and daunting and I freaked. Well, I didn't freak like I could have.... there was no rescue called, no thrashing, no screams.... but that voice in my head was loud and clear, GET THE F***K out right now.... like swimming blind, panic almost, sure something would bump me before devouring my leg or side.... my braver coswimmer followed orders and did as she was told... we went left (worse) then right (baad still) then inwards... to the gloriousness.. then out again until I could take it no more, and back in. ITs that fine line sometimes, the edge and we crossed it and survived, but I won't be back...... I will be back in the water of course, but the red tide? nope, this gal knows her limits. Swim at your own risk, the darkness is there. Now the dolphins who then came through once we were on the grass didn't seem to mind at all.. sleek, beautiful and smooth. Don't they know?


  1. great wright up...I agree most def on the temp. I didn't warm up till nearly 3pm (I swam at 9:30)! You guys rock!

  2. where did you find clear outside the cove? I swam yesterday and it was GROSS. orange brown all the way to the 1/2. like swimming around in my own mind. or my own bad dream. very surreal. the grossest part was each time the water rippled with the mild surge i was waiting to get buzzed by some large horny sea mammal. i don't mind not seeing when it's dark out and i'm swimming the night owl with my pals - i DO mind not seeing when you're supposed to see something besides your own fearful projections!
    you brave babes!
