Tuesday, December 7, 2010

monday 12/6

noon swim. water temp 56. light surge. no waves. clear inside all the way to the quarter. midway between the 1/4 and the 1/2--a WALL of red tide. around the A it was THICK with kelp. i was crawling over the kelp to get outta there. total distance 1 mile +. marta and i were in there just to log the distance. not very much fun.

1 comment:

  1. I did the 'tour de' stick zigzag' to the 1/2 and back via the A (1.25mi). Hated the kelp. Gonna avoid it for a while. I was told the water was 54 and on the inside I believe it; outside it felt like 56. I saw squid out nearer the 1/2...they looked like flying white uh...projectiles - outer space, yeah that's it! Keeping those miles going up up up...
