Sunday, May 22, 2011

3 Mile Naples Island, Long Beach Swim

My friend Lynn and I spent the night at Beth’s after an “Clothing Exchange Party” (presumably for charity, though we all came home with a small tidy bundle of clothes). Beth arranged a swim around Naples Island this morning. This would be the 1st time for me swimming Naples and only the 3rd time swimming 3 miles! And as luck would have it, t’was herself as our intrepid kayak escort. We figured the water was probably about 59-60F, mod current with some delicious warm spots...not even going to think about what created said warm spots (ugh). Such beautiful homes, and boats and tons of kayakers, crew, canoeing to look at while swimming and LOOK OUT...nearly getting run over by a kid in a sabot! Luckily Beth gave heads up. A buoy tried to run us over and near the end I kept wanting to turn into the wrong slip. Can't blame a girl for trying. It was a wonderful weekend with wonderful people...I like this swim/travel thing.


  1. What a fun swim!!My friend Brenda lives up there and has asked me to do it someday. I've been to that area with her and we drank wine and checked out all the homes.

  2. It's a swim I would def do again, but only with a kayaker to assist or a race event perhaps. So many 'water enthusiasts'...I've been told the sweep rowers don't like swimmers in 'thier lanes' and we need to go against traffic in order to be seen. All that said, I highly recommend it. It would be nice to get a group and go sometime perhaps
