Friday, May 13, 2011

59 degrees what the...

Ralph and I braved the wind, no sun, and cold water today. It was very low tide and we were wanting to go where no man or woman has been in a long time so we swam around the point to the southern waters of weird colored fish, giant star fish, lot's of kelp, and my with nooks and crannies with swaying grasses. It was getting pretty rough so we decided to go over to the caves for a look see. Saw schools of leopards, some BIG ones, and a big Bass. Viz was ok, it got pretty swelly with waves breaking on us outside of 1/4 buoy. Seals were of course following me and playing around with each other. All in all a great adventure. We earned our hot tub today!


  1. Amber and I swam from the Cove to the Shores. It definitly wasn't 64. Didn't see any exciting fish though.
