Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday SWELLious Fun!

Turned out to be a beautiful day at the cove... sticks are out and we had some merfriends after all. It was Shayne, Ruth, and the Mighty C's off to the A, the B, and then a criss-cross tour of the sticks to the half, quarter and ridin' those swells in... some nice big rollers coming in, but they kindly headed to the shores today and missed the cove. Water felt a little cooler, around 62ish. So nice here, a baby elephant seal dropped in to rest and rested ALL day with lifeguards and Bill trying to coax it back to sea... cute guy, though I don't think he was well.

I snapped a few pics and a video. Ruth and Hovik took some videos. We had a nice casual picnic on the grass with Carol and her family, Shayne, Ruth and all... Dianadarling and Janie stopped by after a later swim. I brought my chai and some blueberry scones and we whiled away a few pleasant hours on the grass...

We'll be back tomorrow at 11. I think lots of swimmers will join the pod -- Carol, Janie, Shayne, Annamarie, Ruth and anyone else that shows...

This little guy sums up how we felt after the swim... aahhhh... let's take a nap!


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