Sunday, May 29, 2011

A for Adventure!

I know, you heard, "the best swim of the year!", Bill admitted that there were so many great swims, and that certainly this was the best one we could remember! Ruth was game, Carol,  Annamarie and Shayne were in -- so we bounced around on the GINORMOUS, super-humongous waves, we laughed and headed out to the A, then tried to find the B, then even more challenging, was heading in towards shore to find the pencil buoys were the waves seem to GROW.  The poor 1/2 was gone -- drifting onto shore... the apparently hadn't weighted it down enough yet for the size of this storm... 

Over at the point before Boomer's
We'd go up the hill and down as we tried to keep one eye ahead and the other on where the heck everyone else was.  Bill, Annamarie and Carol were just ahead of us on the way to the last stick and a huge wave broke over them and carried them away -- Ruth and I were thinking -- YIKES!  The PERFECT STORM WAVE!!!!  ahhh....thinking too, it all started out so well... then, moments later we saw all the happy heads bobbling up and looking back at us -- great -- all accounted for then another giant wave crashed through... at that point we decided to beeline for the 1/4 and stay away from the shores.  

That's when we ran into one lone solitary swimmer (the ONLY other swimmer that whole day) and we said YES!  Hovik's the man -- taking these waves on his own!  I was worried he was a little crazy and so, apparently was Shayne who offered to stay with him on his swim. The rest of us headed towards to the cove to see if we could get back out of the raging seas.  Bill was left to gather us 4 lovely mermaids and lead them safely into the cove.  Nice work!  The waves looked big, but had no power, so it was fun to play and we truly looked and felt pretty dang bold!  What an adventure!  Give it an A!  

Anyone see a heart here?  
Here's a few snaps after we sat on the grass (no rain, blue skies, puffy clouds)... Ruth made gingersnaps (so yummy) and we had cocoa and snacks with Annamarie, Carol and Shayne... Our dearest Ruth came with the Mighty tuckered-out C's to get some pizza and wander in the glow of our adventure.

We missed all not there -- truly was an amazing swim!

Sitting on the rocks at Boomer's.
Couldn't get the size of these waves in my iPhone shots!

Here's the A -- snapped this photo of the rock we're standing on --  someone had
carved an 'A' into the rock to mark our swim today, seriously, no, really!  A for ADVENTURE! 

This is the point just outside the cove... still tough to see how rough.

Even the seals wanted a rest on the rocks...
Guess who? Imitating the lounging sea lions...

The sea is a such a magnificent and magical place. We're all so fortunate to share this together...


  1. Great post and great pics, Cary. Yes it was phenomenal. I've never been carried so high by the waves. A memorable swim. Thank you lovely merfolk T.M.C.'s, Carol, Shayne and Annamarie, and Hovik!

    You who weren't there would have really loved it. The waves weren't fearsome - easy in, easy out.

    Bill, it doesn't get any more laid back than lying on the rocks like a big ol' sea lion imitating little Fubby.

  2. Great story! I was out there earlier in the morning. Around 8:30. I can vouch for the high waves with curiously low power. But, man, I can't believe I missed the ginger snaps!
