Saturday, May 14, 2011

ten big ones

i didn't get to say good bye to part of our giant crew of ten today, the mighty c's, RUTH! and carol since they had to go further and further still, out to sea in fact while many of us chose the inside, the cave side to see what we could see. we saw quite a bit of flowing grasses, kelp, fishies of various colors here and there, some clear spots mixed in with some murk. al and i discussed tuanting some kayakers and then hijacking an empty one but it was getting too cold so back to shore we swam. we made sure that the mc's, and RUTH! were sighted, we hoped carol had come in long before as we saw only three caps coming in. the temps have dropped a little but i felt it was close to the same, maybe 60 or 61 but i was amped up on dayquil so i couldn't be sure. all in a fab swim with the following superstars: cftc, sharkbait, the mighty c's, RUTH!, carol, c rose and al, ralph who is so the man and me. we did have doug sort of nearby but he chose TO BE ALONE! as he always does. another time we'll have to kidnap that boy.
happy travels to ralph who is leaving us for 3 weeks to road trip and good luck to marta who is racing a little race at moonlight sunday. as for all the rest: until we meet again! which is sunday, right? sunday? SUNDAY, RIGHT? 

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