Sunday, May 1, 2011

a for realsies swim report since i didn't hear porn references today

sunday noon bill was lying in the grass with shane while we all waited on deck, sweating but i digress: the mighty c's, RUTH! cftc, marta sharkbait, dianadarling who is just too darling for her own good, leonard (yeah!) lftc swam in beautiful weather, warmish seas (64) out to the a then across all the way. some of us went way north, some of us watched not really wanting to work too much harder and waited for them and back to the cove. 3 of us saw a cute harbor seal but not much more sea life today, a zillion people at the shores and the cove but those of us in the water are the bomb! thanks to tall my fab partners today! graditude is attitude!

i have one funny thing to tell you: dave and i were having our usual 'if i get eaten by a shark, you can't remarry' discussion pre swim today, he told me that i wouldn't die, i'd just end up plugged into something at the hospital. after i told him i didn't want to be plugged into anything he told me that i shouldn't worry, he'd unplug me. even if it was just an electric blanket, he'd yank it. this is true love, people. learn from it.


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