Friday, May 6, 2011

yesterday... all my troubles seemed so far away...

... wow, the delight.... warm water, calm flat seas, no wind, no chop, all glass, sometimes life is so easy. Not that the swim was easy (to be certain!) this old gal is learning the moves all over again, went without my shorties, no wetsuit, no crutch... roll, glide, wait.. what? How? LFTC, CFTC, Lolai and Claudia Rose went 1/4 then towards the caves (oye, more murk... where are those clear spots I saw from the top again?), then towards Marine Room then the others bailed back for pressing engagements while the FTC's went to rescue a kayaker who needed nothing from us, across glassy slicks to the 1/4 looking for Mr. Turtle, then across kelp to A and back in. LFTC had her glide going OFF, could hardly keep her feet in view. Glorious days of Spring. Nice temperature, clearish on the inside. Dead newborn sea lion rolling around in the shallows, leprechaun Bill went to take care of business.
Survivors, thats all I got for you...

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