Monday, May 2, 2011

she is in a very good mood

monday  noon, claudia, ralph, lftc, marta swam out in f**king STELLAR conditions! flat and quiet and cerulean blue, hot sun, no wind, near naked bodies, naked feet all around, we swam out to swim the caves, marta and claudia went in, ralph and i stayed out in the sun and did a little kayak traffic control to protect our swimmers, besides, the caves are cold! we swam along the coast to the 'sharky' area and it was so clear that i was a little freaked out, it has been so long since any viz was to be had that i had forgotten what we we have been swimming over. it was almost too clear. oh yeah, there's stuff down there! we swam sort of outward to the virtual 1/2 and had an amzingly easy swim back, i had forgotten how much fun it is to swim in flat seas all the way. (wow, i'm getting very forgetful, who are you people? who am i?) marta picked up a couple of sea lions who wanted to taste her feet and ralph said he saw a tail, a tell tale tail, a shark shaped tell tale tail but not the body. sharks do this sometimes, they are shy.
you guys must swim this week, every chance you get, grace the sea with all your glory, she's in a good mood and will happily have you visit.

1 comment:

  1. today was f-ing stellar 2...the sequel OMG! Heaven, I'm in Heaven
    Did a variation on the theme of yesterday's swim, but solo. Swam over to the dead bodies today TG! along the coast to Marine Room and the Tower, then just for then ducks of it (since there were ducks to be seen, even though I was finless) I timed myself swimming the mile back to the Cove...not too shabby (for an old gal) I want to do it again and again and again :o)
