Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 is looking good

2011 looks promising if new years day and day two are any indication! cold seas at 57 (by my watch) but flat and calm, hardly a current worth noting. stellar company both days, some champagne, some kind of 100 proof hooch, food and fun discussions about fizzicists, (i contend it's math) rotten high school kids, lemoncello directions (everclear is kept 'in the back' of beverages and more)delicious food, calorie free of course and a dolphin sighting by some of us, some of us stayed sitting down due to the extreme effort of standing up. thanks to all the merfolk who have made my swim life the fun that it is, the sweet spot i can count on, every single time. again i say that i have the best of the cove people to call my swim partners and friends!
for the big chill: 1-1=3 miles, 1-2=1 (or so?)

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