Monday, January 3, 2011

two days of glass

What a great start with two long fast swims on glassy calm seas... one with the sun and one without. Jan2 was a shocking surprise with mind numbing chill on the inside and zero visibility, but once outside on the way to the A the murk parted and 5-10 ft vis. Calm, no surge or current at all. The cold takes me right to the edge of my limits and longer finless swims had me working hard which is fitting when trying to keep from freezing, we may have even been flying for some of this swim. Did you feel it too? Roll, stroke, kick, breathe... such rhythm in the oily glass... how rare to find this water with not a breath of wind. We made it just in time with rain and wind following soon after we left.
So lucky to have merfolks who love this so much too, THANKS EVERYONE!! ... oh, we met John TFTC's hunny.... wow, what a hunky family that is!
my neck is hamburger so I'm out for a few days... too bad the sun didn't get the memo...looks like another great surprise day for a dip!
Swim on dear fishies!

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