Sunday, January 9, 2011


What a glorious swim! After a week of swimming from the Shores, it was a treat to return to the Cove. High tide, clear water, sun came out mid-swim and stayed out. Or was it sunny when we went in? Can't remember that part, only how cold and refreshing it all felt. Flat, rolling swells. Clear clear clear. Ruth, Bill, Cary and Marta swam out to the A -I felt like a winterized mermaid gliding over that kelp forest. There was some expert bull kelp siting. Cary shimmied up the A buoy but nothing else to see from way up there. Then off to the B and back in and around the pin buoys which seem to be all in the wrong place. Headed to the quarter which seems further than it's supposed to be - then because it was so nice we headed back over the hill to the A again, where it was glassy, and then in. Fun waves in the high tide coming in.

Oh -yesterday Bill and I were standing at the Shores and i could see the surf zig-zagging in the distance. Then a big fin and then an enormous dolphin leapt out and spun in the air! There was a school of them spinning and playing - kicking the water around like nothing i've ever seen before.

i am happy! i love the ocean and my pod-pals. Thank you thank you.


  1. What an awesome swim today!!! I nearly went back out again :o)

  2. uuuuhhhh, so great to hear about a fab. swim, glad you merfolks got in and enjoyed it for all of us!! Great descriptions, but HOW clear.... clear clear?? details, details, I eat details for dessert :)
