Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Okay so I hung out at the Cove this afternoon instead of career-building. I've commandeered our binocs and have been watching the dolphins in the Cove after i've finished swimming and dressing. well today i walked along the coast from the Cove down to the Children's Pool with the binocs trained on the ocean, looking for whales. Out to sea I saw the top of an enormous, lumbering creature break the surface and disappear, showing me a huge fluke before it disappeared. Big spout too. I followed it down the coast for about 20 minutes - it spouted and surfaced maybe every two - three minutes. So amazing!

This isn't exactly a swimming post, it's a post-swimming post but I had to share it. :)


  1. Wow, Ruth -- that's so exciting!!! Thanks for sharing. How was the swim?

  2. oh yeah, the swim was great. that first six inches of water at the surface is temperate and then it drops. cold but lovely. flat, glassy at the A and B. getting back in was gnarly as the surf was growing but i did fine. won't do it again though. it's dangerous enough in the drink with all those fishies!

  3. hey Ruthie...next time you see a whale, jump back in the water for the double mileage points
    Thanks for the Shores swim today
