Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Sun In and Out at the Shores, NOT the COVE!

There we were -- at the Shores, no Laura, no Cami!  Baby wanna'-be waves, wind whipping up the seas, but we carried on... a good 4-some-pod of Diana, Ruth, Bill and Cary made our way back to the 1/4 mile for a party!  Yes, a party at the quarter mile, but Diana forgot the Limoncello... Cary left the hot chai at the shore... darn.  We met Leonard-with-no-googles, Janie and her friends (well they had gone already). So we partied at the buoy with Janie and Leonard -- such fun and hugs all around. No dolphins today, they were dancing in the waves at Torrey Pines -- Bill and I saw them there on our morning run on the beach.  Water still nippy -- felt like 56 or 57, but NOT 60. That meat thermometer (I know, it's really a SPECIAL scientific instrument disguised as a MEAT thermometer) just didn't cut it... we just know, it's damn cold out there and Bill always zooms when the temp is cold. So he did. So did Ruth and I and Diana, as fast as we could back to the Tower... nice party swim.

We certainly missed all you that weren't able to make it... I hear that our dear Cami is sick -- we send her well wishes!  I miss the Cove too... hopefully the surf will cooperate and next week, we'll be back.
Looking south towards La Jolla Shores

Thinking of our swim and all of you!

My favorite oak tree at Torrey Pines...

~cool-cove-cary-at-the-shores (missing the Cove!)  


  1. nailed to the cross I was (well... the couch anyway).... yesterday did me in, still haven't gotten warm from it... post swim yesterday I took a 30 min. hot shower completely erasing our drastic water conservation efforts of the weeks before at Abel-ville. To no avail, kicked . my. ass. Glad you guys were tough and went for it today.... do you ever think of partying while you swim silly stoppers, dam that water is cold. Missed you all, cya next week for sure. hck hck, no really, I'll be fine. choo.

  2. oh man, i missed the buoy party? for taxes? i'm bummed! glad you all had the ability to go on without cami and me though, you swam for us today, thanks! my spirit was with you...
