Tuesday, January 25, 2011

swimming the pure swim today

tuesday noon, RUTH! cftc, lftc and leonard who was a sweet and swift addition, out from the shores due to some surf , i'm just so over the surf, big, small, strong, weak, all a no go for this swim chick, besides, the swim today was killer! no waves, just walk on in the icy sea, be miserable for a minute or two and blaze out, honestly, the chill causes zings that feel quite nice and then your numb. metallic soft grey sea, same sky, temp bounced around, 57, 59, 58 and again 57 at the shore. not much viz but we didn't need it, the swim was fast and athletic, we all seemed to melt into the groove and before we knew it, we're at the a. leonard and cami lead the swim today, they were on fire, ruth and i chased them pretty hard, if only i had one iota of propulsion left in my body i would have caught them. on the return, dolphins! the blackies, when we reached the beach a whole pod was sort of hanging right outside, we went to play with them but they moved on. we saw an unusual black swath of something, we think maybe baitfish which was the reason the dolphins were loitering. why leave? why leave, indeed.. today was a pure swim for me, we all expressed similar feelings, all high with mood enhancers. it felt good! let's do it again and again and again. thanks to my bitchin' partners (well, we are of that terms generation and some of us were stoners for sure so just roll with it) for luring me out with love and friendship and the insane need to swim.


  1. fabulous, fabulous, fabulous... its all been said before. DANG, almost boring after Sunday's bump and grind..... kind soft seas. Good company too, Leonard was the rabbit us greyhounds just couldn't catch on the way in.

  2. I agree! what a foursome. i'll be your caboose any day. a terrific swim in Lake La Jolla - glassy glassy glassy. i was actually too warm on the way back and was craving the feeling of cold water on my back and shoulders, all tucked into my wetsuit. but not too hot to not tuck back into it today for another lovely swim.
