Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Mr. Bear

Polar Bear swim didn't disappoint. 57 degrees was the posted water temp at the Shores, but the pins and needles feeling on my face suggested a much brisker temp that just 57. Thank goodness for the sun! Fifty-seven would have been a welcome BALMY entry into 2011. But alas, it wasn't to be. 5-foot viz all the way out to the .25. Must have been 150 to 200 Polar Bears out there. TonifromtheCove, LFTC, Phoenix, Cami, the Mercouple, Steve-O, Marta, Wendy were all in attendance.
After the swim, the fastest to get in and out of the water grabbed all the food, saving the crumbs for those who washed ashore later. But the last laugh was ours. Cary, Cami, Laura and Phoenix pulled out their own picnic spread and we noshed until long after the main crowd had packed up and headed home. Thank you guys for your smart thinking. I foolishly put my spinach dip and bread on the buffet table before I headed into the water and never saw it again. From now on, when the instructions are "bring food to share", I'll reserve some off the top for me and the peeps.
Happy New Year everyone!

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