Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sweet Sunday Too!

Hard to believe it could be another beautiful day in paradise -- it  was!  The water was a bit nippier than Saturday (felt like 54ish), but smooth, glassy seas kept us zooming from the A to the B, to the sticks, back to the A, then Ruth said -- we have to go to the 1/4 mile buoy!  Of course we did and what fun. A great group today, though we missed our Laura.  Larry surprised us and joined our Sunday-7-pack pod to make 8...  Marta, Ruth, Cami, Larry, Phoenix, Bill and me.  We saw kelp crabs in the middle of the sea and some bright snails on the kelp too... low tides meant watching our take-offs and landings in the cove. Such a glorious day.

Thanks for sharing the kelp crab photo, Marta!  Also kept seeing these snails all weekend, the Norris's top snail, Norrisia norrisi.

Started the morning in Torrey Pines -- perfect start to such a gorgeous day.

Warm glow of the late afternoon, looking north towards Children's Pool Lifeguard tower.
Sat on the grass for a short siesta... what a view.
Soft lights at the end of the day... hated to leave!

Shared a thermos of my home-brew chai and hopefully it hit the spot. Glorious day... mil gracias, my wonderful mer-friends!



  1. I'm having trouble leaving the Cove after swimming. It's very difficult. Was parked up at children's pool so i got a nice walk in but kept stopping to look out to the water. such a beautiful day. then home to hubby (husband) and fubby (cat)and food.
    thanks all for being my mer-friends.
    Yaaaay Larry! Priscilla next...

  2. I too have taken to the habit of hanging out eating an apple, rehydrating and just living in the moment, gazing out to sea...wish I didn't have to drive afterward. Thanks for the lovely swim you mer-people you :o)
