Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy polar bears and yellowtails!

Ringing in 2011 was a real treat --polar bears everywhere, calm seas and crisp, clear water.  Crisp as in chilly, 57ish, but felt like below 55ish... frozen face and hands were well worth the gorgeous swim with our mer-friends!  We swam from the tower to the 1/4 mile buoy -- truly a delight!  Not to mention yellowtail sightings... a plot to tease me about my love of yellowtail sightings was brewing... Both Bill and Laura (plot instigator) asked if I'd seen any of those infamous Cary's-favorite-fish-sighting-yellowtails and oddly, I had not, though I did see a few schools of those blue stripers... not until we were out, dry and happily feasting did I look in my swim bag and there, to my COMPLETE surprise was a yellowtail -- not the scaly, gilled variety, mind you, but a bottle of red wine, YELLOWTAIL! Well, that put a sweet smile on my face -- thank you, dear LFTC, you won't let me forget!

What a beautiful day to remember. Thanks to all our mer friends that joined us: Cami, LFTC, Diana, Bill, Steve, Phoenix, Toni, Marta, Wendy, Doug, Bill with the superman pants and all!

Here's the UT video of the Polar Bear Swim:

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!

Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours. ~Swedish Proverb

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