Sunday, January 23, 2011

bash and pull....with company

OH what a tempermental woman she was today... chilly on the inside, strong surging currents in every direction, wind on the water, waves rolling in and us 5 little duckies with the A buoy on our radar. Clean clear water (10-15 in some spots), rolling rolling. LFTC braved the elements in her racerback, she is one TUFF cookie, Janie, Bill, Cary and I all in superhero suits. Long hard swim to the A with company, we saw 2 (3) dolphins hanging around close, then on the way back again from the A. Gotta love that wind on the water, Santa Ana is here and blowing the tops off the breakers in the Cove and at Boomers.
Nothing overly remarkable about this swim except for 5 tiny little people in this big massive ocean were out there bashing their way to, and back again in 58 degree water. WOW. lucky me to find you guys and gals! ( I guess the dolphins were pretty darn remarkable too!!)

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