Saturday, January 29, 2011

up and coming diva, oh yeah dolphins too but whatever

saturday noon, cftc, dianadarling, the mighty c's, lftc-out from the shores due to surf at the cove, said hello and goodbye to our little ruth who had just emerged from an orphan swim- swam in limited but varying degrees of viz, easy swim to the 1/4, wicked swim against the current going back with diana d & lftc caught in a rip, a netherworldly current in which our arms and legs moved but our bodies stayed put. we had to stop to discuss this of course, duh, while everyone else blazed in. we were rewarded though, much like the tortoise in the fable; the rabbits blazed but the tortoises were rewarded with dolphins! dolphins all around us, so close we almost had blow hole spit land on our heads! kayakers were hooting and hollering, shouting for joy but we were as close as you can get, they were awesome and harbingers of good fortune.
we conducted our science expirement with temps: the chemist therm. (not a meat thermometer as some suggested) showed 60 so it may as well have been, my watch showed 58, the NOAA buoy data showed 57.9 at 1pm. bottom line is that no one knows, so much for science. we may as well use nipple reaction for the swim chicks or shrinkage for the swim dudes. i'm just saying.
okay, the swim and all the dolphins were cool and everything but the hilight was our up and coming diva! cary decided to do a deck or surf change for the very 1st time after bill the cabana boy ran to the car to get her towels, tea and clothing. It took many many minutes with several towels, 3 adults, much adjusting and orders from cary to keep her boobs covered at all times. we were falling down laughing, this was fun and cary was a good sport. good for you diva cary! diana d likened it to a sports car driver: race in and have a team surround you, adjust you, tighten your nuts and bolts, fill the tires, wipe off the window and wala! you're off.

fun fun fun swim, again. thanks to all, i adore you and will always!

1 comment:

  1. Well, the rabbits are truly sorry they missed the dolphins... that's what happens when the pod disperses. And, apparently, according to MANY, the show on land was worthy of note. LOL... thanks for the humorous reporting LFTC -- as always! Of course everyone knows to take that reporting with a certain gracious grain of salt, mixed with sand... Let me just say, I appreciated the opportunity to practice a new phase in my life -- disintegrating modesty and have wonderful new "friends" to help with that endeavor!
