Saturday, January 22, 2011

anything to avoid surf!

second batch coming.. i could only do few at a time..


  1. Great pics David! Aren't we a fine example of open water schwimmers! Diana is flaunting her bare-skinned courage over our wet-suited cowardice.
    You Go Girl!
    By the way, it was a 1.25 mile swim, per Goggle Earth pathway dimensions.

  2. what? 1.25? oh man, it felt a lot further.
    you guys, cary canning has the most amazing leap, last pier swim too-that girl can jump! she has the farthest reach, like she's going to swim north or something, and she's tiny! this last pic has some seriously stacked scenery! i love it!!

  3. Sure felt like we swam 2 miles! What fun... a gorgeous swim -- amazingly perfect day. Thanks again to David for letting us take the big leap!
