Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of july: everyone soaking in it..

going down, dianadarling, walter, lftc

walter in 1st and OUT like a rocket!

lftc taking the leap.

going north, goodbye world!

hogging up the entire invisible rail, eating, drinking, eating and drinking. it's what we do.

again but with dave.

hard to see but this is a night heron, below him is a school of fish right on the surface, he's hunting, waiting to for the primo snack to be plucked out.

brown people! walter, dd, dave, lftc, al, c rose..
fun day for all! my little family hung out near the pier all afternoon, mostly chasing ali, getting ali out of the water, calling ali back toward us, yelling at ali, looking for ali, wondering where ali was, diana and her cute cute husband walter joined us for some ali time, then diana and lftc decided to swim but the surf! what to do? david offered to let us off the pier, walter wanted to body surf too so we all took the leap. walter was worried, this seems to be a trend, everyone is a tad shaky, it's the newness, the steep stairs that shake as you walk down and then you're in the shade, almost under the pier. but! he took off like a rocket as soon as his feet hit the water, we followed suit and head north but didn't know how to come in so we swam back south but again, the surf! so i'm deciding between swimming to the marine room or jumping on the lifeguard boat which is nearby. diana said no to my brilliant lifeguard boat plan but to make me feel better she said we'd go in right in front of the guards. why? why, diana? WHY? just in case, she tells me. wtf does that mean? clearly i want answers. but she's a pro at handling shaky old people so we calmly made our way in. a little diving deep but absolutely fine. thanks, dd! for the hundreth time guiding me in rough surf. claudia and al showed up later, they took off to swim south, exited at the tower and jogged back in their thongs. i love this 'who cares what people think' attitude! it's true hard core! we hit the pier to eat and drink champagne & talk about the many disasters at sea we have had-note to all: never invite any person in this group to sail, ever! it was so great to watch the fireworks and the night heron, many kayakers were out too, it was cool to see them at night. a fab day! i hope all of you had a wonderful, wet day!

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