Wednesday, July 13, 2011

swim report and XTERRA news

swim report for tuesday: cftc, lftc and pam! who decided to take it down a notch. it's never me that has to dial down, take it down a notch, go easy, slow down, pace myself. i always have go harder, go faster, kick it up a notch and work for it. darn. but it's okay, i'm a mid range swimmer and i like it. plus, i can use it as an excuse for being too slow to hang with the super studs.
we swam in HOT water, some roller action at times, big ones too but no waves to speak-and i so would speak of them-we all cruised around looking for a good time, i couldn't place the current, it was everywhere all at once but we had so much fun! sunny and warm!   we did see some beat down and beat up tourists, one guy being dragged up out of the water by katy (new guard) and another bleeding from his back on the beach. the guards are busy..
ON A SEPERATE NOTE, for the people in the pants: 
-Xterra (who is sponsoring the sitka sound adventure swim) is moving their suite warehouse and rental facility to Denver this fall. So any Xterra lovers may want to visit the San Diego office before its gone if they need to exchange a suit or try on a new one. They have great deals on used suits when you can actually go see them!
this info is from claudia-who doesn't wear a wetsuit. thanks claudia!


  1. ya, your taking it up a notch and Pams taking it easy keep me working at or above my 75% - ile.... I LOVE that! I REALLY love that Shane from Sunday suggested I get 'his' fins... finz, they really haul ass out there... um, ya, but I have to WORK for it. I do love the frantic 'dontleaveme' push.... makes me forget about whats seeing only my dayglow yellow fins in the murk. NOTHING matches a great swim with good people. so greateful for you all!

  2. what kind of fins does Shane have?

  3. these:

  4. ok, looks like that didn't work... just google FINZ.. they are blue and pretty technical with ridges and rolls.. navy blue.
