Sunday, July 17, 2011

brave, strong and fast

Oh we were so brave today... lots of chatter about the-man-in-the-grey-suit and feeling encouraged by our mighty lifeguards dismissive answers to our fears, LFTC, Diana Darling, The Mighty C's, Leonard, RUTH! and I took off under grey but clearing skies into very clear on the inside waters. 69+, beautiful fast swim to the 1/4, then on towards the tower, threading the needle between our two sailboat yachts which turned out to be quite far from each other and on to the Shores where Cary and Bill continued as planned to the tower onto sand, and Leo and Ruth! followed suit, while the three of us kept the water warm and chuckled about frosty chicks, creepy old men and boundaries.... once we had exhausted our knowledge of all of these things the Mighty C's came skipping along, and finally Ruth! and Leo came back to us too and we all headed home. A forceful chop-in-the-face type of return "are we getting anywhere?" exclaimed LFTC at one point not far from the Evil White House, but alas, we plodded on ... once we hit south of the 1/2 buoy the Neptune settled down a bit and Cary and Bill called us all over for a huge fish ball of Sargo which are my favorite fish in the world... so calm and still and beautiful... then onward and inward. Sorry I had no time to end our swim as a team but had to jet. Thanks all of you for another fabulous swim, Im so lucky to have you all in my swimworld!

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