Friday, July 8, 2011

birthday suit, birthday swim, birthday love...tftc

swim report friday 11am: RUTH!, lftc, dianadarling and ethan swam in sub zero viz but warm at 67, maybe warmer in spots but you know it's the amoeba reproducing making the sea so warm, bacteria procreating! eww. anyway, we swam to the 1/4 with ethan, he turned back due to his lunch hour being just that, an hour, the girls swam across to find toni who is the birthday girl today, we landed at tower 30 and walked around looking for her, there were only 5000 people on the beach, no easy task but we press on because we felt like it. i see a little kid, a little toni looking and i think it's jake, it was! where's your mom? he didn't know. what is she wearing? he didn't know. cap and goggles? he didn't know. do you even know your mom? he was pretty sure he did but that was about it. finally we see our toni walking, sauntering even, out of the water in her tiny two piece, we tried to surprise her but she was sauntering pretty quickly. we did a little birthday swim out to the pin buoys and as she is supposed tom she went in her birthday suit! well, mostly, top off, pants on because she had nowhere to stash them.  we get to the pin buoy, i was working so hard to stay with her, shoulders aching, cardio burning and she tells me she wasn't even kicking. i had to say stuff about this, it got ugly for a minute. she went back to her beach and we to ours. the current going back was a killer workout. i love this feeling, being able to work hard without caving, to cruise through discomfort until it's the real time to stop. only in swimming do i have this fortitude, all other types of exercise, i want to quit after 5 minutes. i keep going though so i can stay in the water. lots of people out in the water, kayaker nation. an excellent swim and i'm so happy that we swam with TFTC on her birthday!