Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

July 4 I wake up and my back is sore from swimming nearly 3 miles yesterday. So i decide to take it EASY, and do a gentle swim along the coast with the Mighty C's. Well, those C's are so mighty i could barely keep up them as we put in at the beach just south of the beach where the People's Wall is, and then zipped north along the coast up to the point and back. Very little viz but I did manage to see a small smoothhound and Cary saw some batrays. We ended up swimming for a good hour. Then on the way back we lolligagged in the water looking up at Roger who was bouldering a traverse along the People's Wall! As i tried to exit i caught the end of a big wave which tumbled me around a bit. With my hands full of goggles and cap and fins I was too slow getting up and got whipped around a few more times before being spit up onto the shore. It was the must fun i've ever had getting about 3 buckets of sand under my bathing suit. I was literally padded with sand. Then to the Shores to boogie board and body surf with Roger my darling husband. We had a blast - i saw the largest fricking leopard shark EVAR - 4-5 feet long.
It was another grand day at the seashore!

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