Sunday, July 3, 2011

really the best swim EVAR!

CFTC haapy girl!

happy swimmers, two of us..this may be the mighty c's..

the otherlaura, cary, any ideas about the middle swimmer? maybe leonard.

this was taken after our 2nd dip, we look so happy! or before. the theme? happiness!

i love this pic, it's cary swimming out of a fly stroke, more on this in the story.

pre swim, left to right: CFTC, the Mighty C's Rebecca, RUTH!, Neill and Gracie. 

pre swim still, left to right: laura, cary, cami's cute butt, bill.

finally in! RUTH trailing someone. 


end of the pier super stars..

end of the pier.

end of the pier again! osprey in the top right. checkin us out! 

a little hello from the no pants crew!

osprey is not impressed.
oh wow! swim report for july 3rd: our lucky number is 13 so far and the number of our pod. otherlaura, gracie, RUTH, the mighty c's, CFTC, TFTC, LFTC, amber, leonard, paula, gracie, rebecca swam in in sub zero viz but cooking at 68 degrees, straight to the pier in a very long line. some big swells rolling through, some chop but no real current to speak of and oh so fun!  on the way back i found it interesting that some of the regular no pants swimmers ended up all together, it was so great to have this group of 13, everyone is so strong and good in the water but i love especially how the core group ended up together naturally. to me, this says we know eachother, we know how we swim together, we fit!  sorry the pics are not in order, i know not why. user error.  the picture of cary ending her fly stroke is after our fun second swim. doug and janie came by to nibble and visit so we sat around for a long time in the heat, we needed to cool off so doug took off, we snagged janie and went out to play, per bill. well, the 'play' turned into a wicked game of tag and the swim chicks were all 'it' chasing after bill. cary changed her stroke several times and whined that it was hard, not playing at all but working! bill was long gone, maybe at the 1/2. when a helicopter came by cary was so relieved that it might be life flight. it wasn't so we turned it up a notch and moved out.  all in all THE MOST FAB SWIM EVAR! we missed those that couldn't attend, especially dianadarling.. who shoulda been with us!
1 more thing-thanks to marta for sending gracie our way and so sorry about your bat ray boo boo. hurry and heal!


  1. Yes was the best swim EVAR! I think that's Toni in between Laura and Cary.

  2. lost my comment from before, what a great swim y'all... so grateful to have you as my swim buddies!! The only thing better than a nice long flat rolling swim with you guys is all that with clear water... next time!
