Saturday, July 16, 2011

but wait! there's more: addendum, add on trivia.

1. cami can see! her new super bionic, night vision, x-ray, hi def goggles work! she can see what we really look like in the water-yikes-and the oceanside pier. she also saw the lost buoy that sits sunk off the marine room in 20' of water. really, she did.
2. i gave RUTH! a momento-a leopard shark key chain- for her swim bag so she won't forget us or her leopard shark days in the sun. and surf. and storms. and icy cold. we will always own these days. lucky we are.
3. my swim partners rock.

1 comment:

  1. Bill le concierge says that is the scripps buoy that notes each time a tagged shark goes by. Like when you drive over those wires in the road. But a good sighting nevertheless!
