Wednesday, July 20, 2011

clean clear very clear warm

Delicious. under a grey sky LFTC, CFTC and Josephina took off under what seemed may be our last swim, talk is cheap but still the feeling lingers, then we saw it. Stopped me in my own wake. Clarity beyond any good day, to the bottom, clean, that color... you know, THAT color that happens when its overcast and warm and clear. The way 'azul' rolls off your tongue, its that color. Labradorite. Perfect conditions as we sailed on flat seas over to the 1/2, then far rt. pin in a gentle arching right turn towards the caves. Must've stopped six times to remark on the beautiful fish, bat ray, more fish. Most clear in the swim zone, we were a little east of it, then in with a gentle current pushing us along. delightful. No signs of "him" he got word we were pissed (ing) and he got real scared.. made some story up about needing to help his mom out and bailed. 'Nuff of that bully. Thursday we are bringing sacrifices just to be on the safe side.