Friday, July 29, 2011

washing machine swim

a blustery day, LFTC, CFTC and our newest podnic Annie who we scooped up on the beach trucked on out to the 1/4, then to the 1/2 strong and fast "wow, we'll have a nice easy swim back, feel that current?" um, no, swirling waters of agony, no. But we plodded on... like an 80's jazz number, not a lot of rhythm but makes up for it in gusto. Made a few sprints all the way in, zero to 5 vis didn't seem to stop the masses, they have replaced the sea lions in and out of the water... people people everywhere. LFTC was on fire, as usual! Annie did great, first time out ( I think) and very brave, my favorite thing she asked at the 1/4 was, "so, you guys never see any sharks out here right?" "RIGHT!!" of course.
So... lets do it again tomorrow! Thanks LFTC, always, for a great swim.
sights: whitecaps. n.o.t.h.i.n.g. else. nada. zippo.

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