Saturday, July 9, 2011

short and sweet compared to fast and far, both rock..

swim report saturday noon, lftc, ethan swam out RIGHT AT NOON! or very close as ethan declares he likes to be on time due to fading motivation. okay, but if i have swim RIGHT AT NOON i'm going to have to demand more distance as the 1/2 mile is just to sissy for me. we had a deal. we missed the mighty c's by 5 minutes, RUTH! was on deck waiting for her pals, diana was cruising in a little after 1 so many people were around but it was hectic, oh so crazy! we set out in pretty warm water, maybe 68 or so, we swam non stop at a good pace to the inside pin buoy and across to the marine room, where david and ali were playing in the surf. we had to play a little frogger due to the kayaks, ethan puts his head down and just goes so i had to be on the look out but the swim was fun, the leopards were out in force today, great big ones and a couple of very large rays or guitar fish. so many people! the marine was jammed with people, we sat for awhile watching kayak after kayak get dumped, the guard on duty right at the foot of the stairs was running and out every 5 minutes. sorry to have missed so many good partners today but it had to be short and sweet today as dave and ali were GETTING WET AND SANDY, IN THE SUN! shudder... i have missed ethan, he's a good partner, he just needs a push from the rest of us to go a little faster & little further.
 i missed you all so much today and i appreciate your faster and further attitudes!
it's common but not really, know what i mean?
be well my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we missed you Saturday... was a good swim but it was just the C's until we ran into Ruth and Wendy and their pod. Nice swimming, but we could sure use a little viz! I'm a little tired of dodging bat rays!
