Sunday, July 31, 2011

NDE's coming your way!

swim report saturday noon, cftc, RUTH!, wendy, lftc: cftc was on a mission for a NDE (near death experience) since she'll be leaving for colorado this coming week, RUTH! had to stretch out her boo boo's (cosmetic surgery), wendy had to rock the world in her new industrial strength swim suit, lftc had to swim as hard as possible to earn at least a cookie. grey skies, grey seas but warm at 70, big chop, zero viz but mostly clean, a current but we couldn't feel it due to the chop, we swam to the a for a toy check, across to the last outside pin buoy, which we completely missed and had to back track, a sweep over and around the inside buoys and back to the a. we played games a few times, the pace game, we each swam our hardest pace for 40 strokes while the rest kept up, sprint games, which almost killed (thanks cami, for making NDE's so fun!) and some tag. tag in the ocean is very tough and anxiety provoking, you just know something is going to grab your feet..    i really don't want anything to ever grab my feet in the ocean, it's my new motto! such a fab swim! thanks to my swim partners for the nde's, thanks for such fun company!

1 comment:

  1. Ruth did NOT have cosmetic surgery, y'all. I look like this naturally...HA! I did ensure though that you will never, i repeat NEVER, see me in a bikini. Whew.
