Saturday, July 23, 2011

Holy Myliobatis californicas Bat Man!

Saturday, I was to meet some of my more timid swim friends for a half mile swim. Knowing I NEEDED both a longer swim and a post-swim coffee, I opted to go early (we're talking' 7:30am early). It was totally glass out there and a dream. And ever since hearing every one's report of how clear the viz had been and not able to enjoy it, I took my camera and went on a hunt. Swam over to the Tower by way of the A,B and down to Marine Rm...but nada, zip, nothing. Then on the way back just a bit East of the 1/2 (whoa) a flotilla of bat rays in flight. Click click! At the 1/4, I saw a shadow...and there it was, a 7-8 foot Soupfin right below...Click! Went back to pickup my buds and went out again. They upped the anti to a mile this time! yea! And we saw more fish and more rays and two more soupfins, lions and tigers and bears...oh my! The battery died, but I had what I came for. Wish you'd been there.

swim on!