Thursday, October 28, 2010

cami is famous

we all heard about the swim today: warm, sunny, murky, flat, glassy, marta, toni, cami, lftc with the where and the what so i'm going to report on cami's star power! i swear, she knew everybody and wasn't left alone for more than 5 minutes. leaving with her was like walking behind a rock star, it took us 15 minutes to walk across the lifeguard deck and up the stairs, where we immediatley ran into more cami fans, another 10 there. i have decided that cami is our group's star, lftc but a secretary and indeed, she had one of her fans jot down her email info and give to me, much like 'have your people get in touch with my people'. i wouldn't have blinked an eye if 'the common people' had taken out cameras to shoot photos of our star. i'm very happy to be cami's secretary, she's a well liked star, no drunken outburts, no drugs in her swim bag, very infrequent episodes of 'flashing' and wandering around with no panties is limited to the beach. all in all, integrity! really and truly, i adore you cami! fun swim today!

1 comment:

  1. one of those funny days where I saw folks I hadn't seen in years.. thanks for keeping them all organized LFTC... you are our fearless leader.
