Friday, October 8, 2010

swim report friday 10-8-10 color commentary

Friday noon, Cami, Pammy, me: (Pam is the Athletic club mgr.) Dark blue green water with some mild swells, clear clear clear inside, easily 67 degrees AND the bright warm sun! That's right people, the sun. Swam out to the A to show Pam the October decoration and had to navigate mucho kelp and pulled up sea grass. Every time we stopped Pam yelled out "what happened?" "what'd you see?""what's going on?" Pam will never leave your side if she's with you, she's a good partner! Lots of lobster traps out, not too clear out that way so we steered to the 1/4 then to the 2nd pin buoy with the current, no turtle sighting so I was heading into shallow waters which makes Cami very nervous. Something about milk (we need to clarify). Two of the grossest definitions are food related: Milky and juicy red. Both Cami's..My definitions have more curse words. Anyway, we swam back against the current which was awesome and layed on the sand like beached mermaids. So maybe a mile swim, it was hard to get out today and the weekend looks better. Swim Saturday at 11:30! Cami's scientific report to follow.

1 comment:

  1. p.s. the A buoy toy needs to remain a surprise until we all have seen it.
