Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reverse Swim Saturday

After first deciding to bail, then some gentle prodding from Ruth, Cary, myself, and Ruth had an awesome swim from LJ Shores (due to an early warning of waves in the Cove that evidently was short lived). We swam to the 1/2, then the A, the 1/4 and back to the shores. Climbed over lots of loose kelp coming off the shores, saw an all white jellyfish along the way. A few hundred yards before the A buoy the sun came out and the visibility there was clear. It seemed like we in a plane flying over forests of kelp beneath. The final touch were 2 dolphins swimming by between the A and the B. Due to the up and down choppiness, I got separated from Cary and Ruth on the return trip, but we all landed back at the shores starting point about the same time. Looking forward to another great swim tomorrow around noon. Bill (AKA justaddwater)

1 comment:

  1. finally, the man speaks! way to post, bill! thanks, it's great to read your input and i hope cary is not standing over your shoulder dictating. she needs to rest. gentle prod from ruth? my call was more of a shove in the swim direction. if she had dared me, double dog dared me, i wouldn't have been too surprised. she needed to swim so thanks for taking the prod on behalf of all the swim crew..
