Saturday, October 23, 2010

lowering standards everywhere.

swim report saturday 10-23 noon: bill, ruth, lftc and howie. we all know howie, we have swam with him before so today i grabbed him from the athletic club and threw him in the mix. i seem to do this regularly. it was rainy and dark out, the sea looked good though, mostly smooth with some light surface chop, 65 degrees, some clear spots from above. howie wanted us to see the a buoy toys, which we have heard some things about, so we swam out that way, first stopping at the big floatie buoys out for the race tomorrow. bill was dying to grafitti the buoy since it was so 'clean'. at the a buoy i found our skeleton boy to be severly handicapped after having lost an entire arm to the sea. some horrors going on in the ocean. swam to the next floatie, enjoying the novelty, said good bye and good luck to howie and cruised to the marine room where i saw one sting ray, laying on the sea floor, all lazy-a teenager for sure. swam back towards the 1/4 and in. we had some big, smooth rolling swells on the way, a sign of things to come but very easy to manage and fun too. bill decided to do some kind of greg louganis triple gainer off the rocks in the cove and totally cramped his calf. we suggested he body surf in, which i think he did. totally fun swim and we missed the absentees. NO SHARK TODAY! it's because we have good luck charms hanging all over. swim again sunday, no sharks, no pants, no worries. i figure if i have no sharks, no pants and no worries, i can ask for nothing else as my life is complete. lftc-bringing lowered standards to your doorstep-out

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