Monday, October 11, 2010

sunday gang report

report for sunday, noon: gang of 9 today-no particular order, there will be a quiz after. cami, claudia, diana, bill, cary, rebecca, ruth, janie, lftc. swam towards childrens pool but turned around due to foam awash with biohazardous glop, water was clear below the foam and cold. headed to the 1/4, had a meeting of the many minds and decided we needed to see the 1/2 since it was moved back to it's rightful position. at the 1/2 we had a lengthy debate about our future together, we had a swimmer actually abandon our crew due to cold temps and one outright mutineer who wanted to hit the tower without us. the one and only guy in our group, BILL. i think cary wanted to stay with the gang, mostly because we, as a gang, rock the cove but she was torn between her man and us. i'm pretty sure there may have been some foot stomping but i can't be sure. the gang won bill over. swam to the caves but there was so much kayak and boat activity that we decided to sightsee at the point. it was clear and beautiful but getting cold by this time. a lone diver was found, bobbing around just waiting for her lost partner, who was low on air. we notified the guards and all was well. (our good deed for the day) not too much to report on sea life, we were probably the most amusing sea life seen mid day. as usual, a swimtastic day! quiz: who was the mutineer?

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