Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sweet Sunday!

As Cami said, it was such a perfect day!  Thanks to all the mer-friends (LFTC, Cami, Diana, Josephina and  Mr. JustAddWater himself) for a great Halloween swim.  Out to the B (just for Ruth, who was with us in spirit), then over to the 1/2, off to the Marine Room -- well, SOME of us went all the way to the shore, others just tried out their synchronized swimming techniques NEAR shore. You know who you are...  Saw the great pumpkin face on the 1/4 mile buoy and finally forced ourselves (and this was not easy!) to head back to the cove... only to have the cutest little sea lion do a smiling water ballet under us as we came in.  Perfect finish.  Swimming with all of you, makes it all the more sweet.

Thanks for a wonderful, day. So good to be in the water!

Another day in paradise... 


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