Thursday, October 28, 2010

Things You See When You Bring Up The Rear

What a fabulous chic swim today girls! Sooo beautiful out. I'm in a growth period of my life...learning that it's not important to always be in front of the pack! It can actually be a blessing in many ways. I'll can avoid the seaweed jungle the lead person had to swim through, you can avoid collisions as oncoming traffic will have looked up occasionally before they get to you, you can draft off of others (I especially like this one), and you can see all the critters the others didn't as they blazed for home. This last one I experienced today half way between the Marine Rm and the Caves. I saw the 4.5ft silhouette of a certain finned creature that shall remain nameless. He was a local though, no Santa Barbara plates. By my estimation must have swam right under one of our mermaids! He was a few feet away and about 3ft below surface. Also saw a few fishies; the Garabaldi were amazingly brilliant today. But for the lack of clarity in the water, a truly awesome swim.
PS: Thought of another blessing in bringing up the rear...I have to work that much harder and will only get stronger. Watch out!
PPS: One of these days one of you will forego your fins and I can truly see how I measure up :o)


  1. I'm so sorry about my fins today, SharkBait. It's not my normal MO. I promise to swim finless with you next time!
    p.s. I'm guessing your silhouetted creature was that sea lion that was checking us out in the approx. location you described? I saw his little head poking up out of the water, but I never saw him below the surface.

  2. nnnnnnope....guess again? El Sharko! I saw the seal hiding in the kelp and the sea lions.

  3. I know, I was working hard and felt a little like a cheater.. nextime I'll synch up with you and go finless too :)
