Tuesday, October 12, 2010


for snubbing me! Miscommunication resulted in my going to the Cove when y'all had cancelled. I hung around and found a swim buddy. He was slow-ish and also I had my brand new fins. I just assumed every thin tall guy swims as fast as Bill....
It was grey=ish skies when we got in and by the time we got out it was clearing. The water was warm - maybe 65-or higher. Smooth as glass - moderate but gentle swells. No visibility but dang nice. I swam to the 1/2 and then back along the outer pin buoys and then a bit of zig and zag and into shore. Small sets breaking into the Cove so no problem.
I love it here.


  1. way to recruit, ruth! throwing yourself onto other swimmers is the way i did it and look how wonderful it turned out. nice report, glass? really? you're killing me!

  2. I have to say, I get vicarious pleasure reading your swim reports! Almost -- but not quite like being there... thanks!

    Missing my swim-buddies!!!


  3. I'll second what LFTC and Cary said!

    Miss swimming...seems like forever. Hope to be back in the swim of things next week.

    But I will say, the wine has been absolutely lovely and cooking with my Sis is utterly fantastic.

    ~Marta (SharkBait)
