Monday, October 25, 2010

here we go

swim report monday 11:30: marta, steve, lftc. grey cloudy skies, grey stormy seas but no waves breaking so i had to go, besides, some hard core swimmers showed up to swim with me so i had to man up, grow a pair in fact. we swam to the a in seas so rough we couldn't see eachother or the buoys or over the tops of the swells but! the water was very clear with 10' of viz or so to the a. we overshot the a, reeled back in to swim to the 1/2. the current just pushed us along. we turned back to swim against the current, again losing eachother and our landmarks but we handled it and the swim was really fun. 65 degrees, maybe a little warmer, a giant sea lion checked me out but not much else to be seen except for steve who i swear had flames shooting off his head he was so swift and marta who was a powerful force cruising through the waves, just making them part for her, like moses! i wish i had taken a camera so you all could see how tough we were. i missed you all, all the rest of the swim chicks and the swim boys too, of course. i consider this a midline report: it won't make you want to kill yourself for not going but not so dismal that you'll be happy you missed it. middle of the swim lane. personally? I'M SO HAPPY I WENT! thanks to steve and marta! lftc-out

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