Saturday, October 9, 2010

swim report saturday noon

swam with bill, cary and janie today! warm sunny sun, dark blue, light blue green water, pretty calm and flat, playful rippling, gurgling, gently lapping waters welcoming us into it's wonders. (whatever, it was killer, okay?) first the a to admire our toy then we jetted via the current to the marine room. bill and cary saw some stuff, guitar fish, a leopard, we all saw a fish ball on the way back and cary saw her beloved 'yellow tail'. oh, we saw a big school of barracuda too. the water was oh so warm, easily 67/68 and some great clarity out to the a, so so to the m/r, then glass for awhile. sort of a hard chop back since we were against the current and ta da! killer swim, wrapped up! sad story on the sun fish: we saw a good sized sun fish struggling right on the sand, barely in water. a kind snorkeler took him out to sea but he washed right back in, clearly desiring to be fish tacos. thanks to my outstanding partners today, as always! bill and cary are fun, janie is adorable and me? well, i stay amazed at how lucky i am and decorate the buoys! lftc out

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous day for a swim -- clear, smooth waters with some patches of veggi-matic chopped-up seaweed... I saw only one leopard shark and a big ray near the shores. Bill and I also saw some jellies drifting past, not to mention lots of those yellow-tails! LOL. Perfect day... So nice seeing everyone out swimming!
