Monday, October 25, 2010

What a Roller Coaster of a Ride!

You will rarely if ever catch me on a roller coaster. Never was fond of them, and yet that's what I envisioned. Driving down the parkway, this morning, you could see the white caps coming in...I said to myself...self, "yikes! I don't know about this one!" Though it was a good omen when the sun shone, if but for a brief moment, driving down into the Cove...Just maybe Neptune would calm the mighty seas for us. A number of our mermaids/men had other plans for the day, but our fearless leader, LFTC, was beckoning with her email and phone to join her. So there we were...LFTC, Steve (nice to finally meet you BTW) and me. The air temp was ~66F, the H2O temp ~the same, fair dive conditions with strong surge, and those white caps in the distance. We thought we'd do at least a mile (A-1/2-1/4-In) depentant on how our crew was doing. I say that laughingly, as I think I was the weak link in this adventure (I know I was). My newly surgerized knee and shoulder probably weren't up to prime time yet...I felt like a gimp, a slug, ...personally I prefer SharkBait! The battle of wounded knee it wasn't, but I felt like I got my butt kicked a bit. It was tougher for me than my ego would admit at the time. Reassured by my RoadID tag (a nod to my Mom I'll tell you about some day) and swim chums extrordinaire, we marched...err swam on. The water was great if you don't mind not being able to see over the waves. "Where the heck are those guys?" "Maybe the Lifeguards will get to use their jetski afterall - darn, I forgot to get his name!" and "If I wanted to do a mile pull-set, I'd do it in the pool where it's calm!" is what kept going through my mind. But made it I did, thanks to the encouragement of my fishy friends. Once again on terra firma, I was able to truly appreciate the swim and those I swam with and calm myself in the healing waters of the Jacuzzi. You may ask if I'll go out again in such conditions?...Of course I will. It's the only roller coaster I'll ride willingly.
Sea you out there,

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